Mastering the Road Ahead: 5 Automotive Marketing Strategies and Trends for Success in 2023

You’re revving your dealership’s engine, foot poised over the gas pedal, but the road ahead is uncertain. No, this isn’t the start of a gripping new action movie; it’s the state of the automotive industry as we roll into 2023. Drive success with 5 automotive marketing strategies. Discover tactics to boost sales and brand visibility in the competitive automotive industry.

Navigating the digital landscape for a car dealership requires more than a slick sales pitch and a shiny new model. Today’s auto market is fueled by an increasingly digital, personalized, and eco-conscious consumer base. Buckle up and read on because we’re about to share the top 5 automotive marketing strategies and trends that will give your dealership the boost it needs to survive and thrive in the fast-paced digital world of 2023.

Understanding Today’s Automotive Market

Picture this: you’re sitting at your dealership with a steaming cup of coffee, and a potential customer walks in. But instead of walking around and admiring the shiny models you offer, they’re glued to their smartphones, immersed in a digital showroom. Suddenly, your well-practiced sales pitch seems as outdated as the cassette player.

Like our hypothetical customer, the automotive industry is firmly engaged in this digital transformation. Statista predicts that by the end of 2023, over 2.14 billion people will buy goods and services online, a significant leap from 1.66 billion in 2016. This increasing digitalization has turbocharged the virtual vehicle marketplace, shifting from traditional in-person sales to online transactions and digital showrooms.

Now, how do you, a car dealership owner, navigate all this without getting lost in the realm of competitors? Well, that’s where our five top trends come in. They’re not just five random predictions; they’re your roadmap to success in the ever-changing landscape of automotive marketing in 2023. Buckle up and join us for the ride!

Top 5 Automotive Marketing Strategies and Trends for Success in 2023

Trend 1

Embrace Digital Showrooms

Trend 2

Personalized Marketing Campaigns

Trend 3

Social Media and Influencer Collaborations

Trend 4

Utilizing Data-Driven Decision Making

Trend 5

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Messaging

Trend 1 – Embrace Digital Showrooms

No more tire-kicking, folks! Consumers today prefer virtual tire kicking, so the first pit stop on our list is embracing digital showrooms. According to a report by Think With Google, around 92% of car buyers research online before they buy. Digital showrooms provide an immersive and interactive experience without the pressure that sometimes comes with a physical showroom visit. Adapting your strategy to incorporate this virtual reality is no longer optional; it’s essential.

Trend 2 – Personalized Marketing Campaigns

Car buyers are like fingerprints; no two are alike. In 2023, one-size-fits-all advertising won’t cut it. Customers crave personalized marketing that addresses their unique needs and desires. But don’t just take our word for it. Epsilon’s research suggests that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. So, whether using email campaigns, website content, or social media ads, ensure your messaging hits home with personalization.

Trend 3 – Social Media and Influencer Collaborations

If the Internet is a superhighway, social media platforms are the billboards lining the road. These platforms offer unprecedented access to potential buyers from Facebook to Instagram, TikTok to Twitter. And who’s driving this engagement? Influencers. A Nielsen report shows that 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than a traditional advertisement. Collaborating with influencers, especially those who resonate with your brand and audience, can steer new customers to your dealership in 2023.

Trend 4 – Utilizing Data-Driven Decision Making

The journey with your customer doesn’t end once they’ve driven off the lot. Reliable after-sales service plays a crucial role in maintaining and building trust. By offering comprehensive warranties and maintenance packages, you reassure customers of your commitment to their satisfaction long after the initial sale. This reassurance cultivates trust, enhancing the likelihood of customer retention.

Trend 5 – Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Messaging

We’ve arrived at our final pit stop: sustainability. With climate change becoming an increasingly critical issue, many consumers want to reduce their carbon footprint, which extends to their vehicle choices. A recent study by Ipsos found that 34% of consumers are considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV). Marketing your dealership’s eco-friendly initiatives and EV options can appeal to this growing demographic and accelerate your success in 2023.

Mastering these trends might feel like learning to drive stick in a world that’s going automatic. But remember, every journey begins with a single mile, and your dealership has the power to steer this voyage toward success. Now, shift your marketing into high gear, and let’s discuss implementing these trends in your dealership.

The Importance of Trust for Automotive Customers

We’ve journeyed through the landscape of automotive marketing strategies and trends; now, let’s make these concepts tangible, practical, and vroom-worthy!

In fact, a study by Cox Automotive found that trust in dealerships is one of the most influential factors in the car buying process. That’s right, trust isn’t just something nice to have, it’s the very fuel that powers customer retention and loyalty.

Digital Showrooms:

Turning your dealership into an immersive digital experience is an essential first step. Imagine high-resolution images, interactive 360-degree videos, and virtual reality tours that give customers
a ‘feel’ of their dream vehicle, all from the comfort of their living room. A navigable, user-friendly website can be your main virtual showroom, supported by engaging content on social media platforms.

Personalized Marketing:

Next, add some more power to your marketing campaigns with personalization. Your CRM system is the gold mine of data here. Use your insights about customers’ buying behaviors and preferences to create personalized marketing messages. Tailored emails, retargeted ads, and customized website experiences can make your dealership resonate personally with each visitor.

Social Media and Influencer Collaborations:

Consider social media your turbo booster. It’s not just about posting pictures of the latest models; it’s about creating a community and engaging in dialogue. Influencers can help here. Collaborate with auto-enthusiasts, local celebrities, or environmentally-conscious influencers to bring authentic voices to your brand narrative.

Data-Driven Decision-Making:

You wouldn’t drive without a dashboard, would you? Similarly, don’t make marketing decisions without data. Tools like Google Analytics, SEMRush, and Tableau can provide insights into customer behaviors, campaign effectiveness, and market trends. Use these insights to navigate your marketing strategy confidently.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Messaging:

Finally, think green. With growing awareness about climate change, consumers appreciate brands that share their values. Market your eco-friendly initiatives, highlight your range of electric or hybrid vehicles, and ensure your potential customers know you’re in it for the long (sustainable) haul.


Steering your dealership through the dynamic landscape of automotive marketing in 2023 might seem daunting, like navigating a road trip without a map. But remember, we’ve just equipped you with a top-notch GPS outlining the five key trends that can lead you to success.

Whether it’s the shift to digital showrooms or the drive towards sustainability, the high-speed lane of personalization, or the crossroads of social media collaborations, your dealership isn’t just on a journey, it’s paving the way.

So, step on the gas, enjoy the ride, and remember: in this race, the winner isn’t the one who gets to the destination fastest but adapts and evolves with every twist and turns. Your destination? Success in 2023 and beyond.

7 Ways to Build Trust with Automotive Customers: A Comprehensive Guide

It’s no secret that trust forms the bedrock of any successful business. As we navigate through the automotive industry’s ever-changing landscape, one factor remains a constant, the undeniable power of trust. But in an industry as complex as ours, establishing that trust with our beloved automotive customers can feel like trying to change a flat tire in a hailstorm, daunting and challenging. But fear not, for this comprehensive guide is here to transform that hailstorm into a breeze.

Understanding the Modern Automotive Customer

Before we delve into how to foster trust, let’s develop an understanding of our star of the show: the automotive customer. Gone are the days when buying a car meant simply visiting the nearest dealership and choosing the car that appeals to you the most.

Today’s automotive customer is discerning, and internet-savvy than ever before. They do their homework. They compare models, read reviews, and often walk into your showroom knowing exactly what they want. As industry leaders, it is our responsibility to keep up with the changing times and trends.

Understanding the buying behavior of your customers and what factors motivate them can be the difference between knowing who is a one-time buyer and who is a recurring customer.

The Importance of Trust for Automotive Customers

In the context of the automotive industry, trust isn’t just some word, it’s a critical driving force. Why? Well, let’s put ourselves in the customer’s shoes for a moment. Buying a car is a significant investment, often second only to buying a house. With stakes that high, customers don’t just want, they need to know that they can rely on their dealership to deliver value, quality, and most importantly, honesty.

In fact, a study by Cox Automotive found that trust in dealerships is one of the most influential factors in the car buying process. That’s right, trust isn’t just something nice to have, it’s the very fuel that powers customer retention and loyalty.

But wait, there’s more. Remember when we said that customers are more informed than ever? That also means they’re more skeptical. In today’s digital age, trust deficits can spread faster than wildfire, thanks to the chatter on social media and online review platforms. To navigate this landscape successfully, we must not only build trust, but also continually reinforce it.

The Trust Equation in the Automotive Industry

When it comes to trust, our job as industry professionals is two-fold. First, we must build a trustworthy business, one that consistently delivers on its promises and treats customers with respect. Transparency, honesty, and quality service aren’t just boxes to tick off a list. They’re the very DNA of a business that customers can trust.

Second, we must understand the link between trust, reputation, and customer retention. Trust isn’t just about making the customer feel good. It’s about shaping your business’s reputation, which in turn drives customer loyalty and retention. This trust-reputation-customer retention cycle is the proverbial golden goose for any dealership. It’s the engine that keeps your business running smoothly, even when the road gets bumpy.

Second, we must understand the link between trust, reputation, and customer retention. Trust isn’t just about making the customer feel good. It’s about shaping your business’s reputation, which in turn drives customer loyalty and retention. This trust-reputation-customer retention cycle is the proverbial golden goose for any dealership. It’s the engine that keeps your business running smoothly, even when the road gets bumpy.

7 Ways to Build Trust With Automotive Customers

Now that we’ve buckled up and grasped the essence of trust, it’s time to hit the gas and explore concrete ways to boost that trust with your automotive customers.

Offer Transparent Pricing

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Showcase Authentic Customer Reviews

Prioritize After- Sales Service

Encourage Employee Training

Implement Ethical Business Practices

Leverage Technology for Better Communication

1. Offer Transparent Pricing

A transparent pricing strategy is akin to giving your customers the keys to the kingdom. By presenting a clear and open pricing policy, we eliminate the age-old stigma of hidden fees and costly surprises. Let’s face it; nobody likes being hit with unexpected costs, especially when they’ve just invested in a new vehicle. Clear, upfront pricing sets the tone for a reliable and trustworthy relationship. Not only does this strategy lay the foundation for trust, but it also empowers customers, giving them the confidence to make informed decisions.

2. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

The art of providing exceptional customer service is often the secret sauce that sets successful automotive dealerships apart. Think about it, wouldn’t you be more inclined to trust a business that treats you with respect, addresses your concerns promptly, and makes your satisfaction a priority? You bet! High-quality customer service fosters trust and encourages customers to keep coming back. Remember, every interaction is a chance to strengthen or weaken trust. So let’s make it count!

3. Showcase Authentic Customer Reviews

In the digital era, where information is at everyone’s fingertips, authentic customer reviews can be your most persuasive marketing tool. Real reviews from real people can sway potential customers and enhance the trust they place in your dealership. A word of advice here – aim for authenticity. Cherry-picking only the positive reviews can seem insincere. Instead, showcasing a mix of reviews presents an unbiased and truthful image of your business. And how do you handle negative reviews? Use them as opportunities to improve and showcase your dedication to customer satisfaction.

4. Prioritize After-Sales Service

The journey with your customer doesn’t end once they’ve driven off the lot. Reliable after-sales service plays a crucial role in maintaining and building trust. By offering comprehensive warranties and maintenance packages, you reassure customers of your commitment to their satisfaction long after the initial sale. This reassurance cultivates trust, enhancing the likelihood of customer retention.

5. Encourage Employee Training

Knowledgeable and skilled employees are your best foot forward in this industry. Regularly trained employees are better equipped to address customer queries, offer appropriate solutions, and create a pleasant experience for your customers. Each positive interaction is another brick in the wall of trust between you and your customer. Investing in your team’s training is investing in building trust with your customers.

6. Implement Ethical Business Practices

Practicing good ethics is like maintaining a well-oiled machine, it keeps things running smoothly and efficiently. Ethical practices build a reputation of integrity for your business, which is a cornerstone for trust. Additionally, activities reflecting corporate social responsibility demonstrate to customers that your business cares about more than just profit.

7. Leverage Technology for Better Communication

Utilizing technology for efficient communication can significantly enhance customer experience. Timely updates about services, transparent sharing of vehicle data, and providing easy platforms for interaction and feedback can all contribute to building trust. Leveraging technology can be the equivalent of opening the hood of your operations and allowing customers to see what’s happening, fostering a relationship based on transparency.

There you have it, folks! These are your seven trust-building power tools. But remember, building trust is not a one-time pit stop, but a continuous journey.

Understanding the Modern Automotive Customer

Now that we have our tools, how do we know if we’re on the right track? How can we measure trust? Customer satisfaction surveys, online reviews, and feedback forms can offer valuable insights into the trust level among your automotive customers. These trust barometers help identify areas of strength and, more importantly, areas for improvement.

But wait! Our journey doesn’t end at measurement. The road to trust requires us to continually strive for improvement. Delivering on your promises consistently and adapting to the evolving expectations and needs of your customers are some key strategies to maintain and improve trust over time.


The fast lane of the automotive industry can often seem complex and challenging, but one thing is for sure: trust is the key that ignites the engine of success. As we strive to create an environment of trust, we are not just building a trustworthy business but nurturing relationships that can withstand the test of time and the bumps on the road.

Navigating the Car Buying Process: 5 Essential Questions Every Car Dealership Website Should Answer

We live in an age where e-commerce has become the norm, and virtual stores are just as vital as brick-and-mortar stores. Car dealership are slowly catching up with this reality. With 85% of consumers using the web to look for new cars, it is only natural that car dealerships pay attention to their digital stores.

car dealers meeting

Let’s look at the car buying process – a crucial part of automotive marketing. This journey includes everything from the minute the customer interacts with your dealership to where they make the actual purchase.

This process has also been impacted and has evolved due to changing consumer demands, the digital revolution, and the pandemic that changed everything for the world. Now more than ever, understanding and communicating this process effectively is crucial. After all, if your dealership’s website isn’t answering the right questions, your potential buyers might be gone before you know it.

The car buying process is a virtual joyride with many stops and starts. Let’s examine this journey, answering five crucial questions every car dealership website should address. We’ll also delve into the exciting world of remote car buying, a trend accelerated by recent circumstances and shows no signs of decelerating.

The Shift to Digital: Understanding the Car Buying Process

1. What is the Car Buying Process?

Simply put, the car buying process begins when a customer decides they want a new car to when they ride off into the sunset with their new car. The multi-stage process includes recognizing vehicle needs, researching and comparing, negotiating, and then purchasing. While this process seems very simple, it has become quite complicated in the age of digital media, where potential car buyers have become more aware of their options now than ever.

dealership giving keys

The car buying process is actually a peculiar combination of consumer behavior, economic factors, and technological advancements. A good car dealership understands this and adjusts its marketing strategy accordingly.

2. Remote Car Buying – Is it The New Norm?

You know what they say, change is the only constant. The automobile industry is no exception to this rule. The rise of the internet and digital tools has given birth to a new trend: remote car buying. According to a recent study by McKinsey & Company, over 75% of buyers are now open to completing their car purchasing journey online, from start to finish.

Remote car buying is self-explanatory – it allows consumers to buy a car from the comfort of their homes. It includes every process step – browsing through online inventories, arranging virtual or at-home test drives, negotiating prices via email or chat, applying for finance digitally, and ultimately, having the vehicle delivered to their homes. The revolutionary process of remote car buying offers car buyers an all-new level of convenience. At the same time, it puts more responsibility on the car dealerships to to adapt and provide customers with a seamless, enjoyable online experience. In other words, dealerships must polish their website, ensuring it answers all buyer’s questions.

Five Questions Every Car Dealership Website Should Answer

1. What Vehicles Are Available for Purchase or Lease?

The first order of business for a potential car buyer is to see what you’ve got in your inventory. Customers want to know about your range of vehicles, from brand-new to pre-owned ones. According to a 2020 study by AutoTrader, 88% of consumers spend time browsing cars online before purchasing.

So, ensure your digital inventory is as well-stocked and up-to-date as your physical one. Include high-quality images, videos, detailed specifications, and pricing for each vehicle. The more transparent and detailed you are, the better your chances of driving customer interest.

2. How Does the Financing Process Work?

Money makes the wheels go round. Most customers need to know how to finance their dream vehicle, the intricacies of loans, monthly payments, interest rates, etc. Your website should also communicate information about trade-ins, down payments, leasing options, and special deals. You have to be aware of the fact that you’re selling financial solutions along with selling cards. The sooner you integrate this as part of your process, the easier it will be for your customers to decide.

3. What Are the Details of the Car’s History and Condition?

When it comes to used cars, customers want to know every scratch, every mile on the meter, and every bit of its history. Transparency is critical in the used car market. The more forthcoming you are with information about a car’s history, condition, and any repairs or maintenance it has undergone, the more trust you build with potential buyers.

4. How Does the Remote Car Buying Process Work?

With the rise of remote car buying, customers want to know how to purchase a car without ever setting foot in a dealership. This includes information about online browsing, virtual or at-home test drives, online negotiations, digital paperwork, and home delivery options. Creating a dedicated page or section on your website detailing the steps involved in the remote car buying process can ease customer concerns and demonstrate your commitment to convenience and customer safety.

5. What After-Sales Services Do You Provide?

This journey doesn’t end once the keys are handed over to the buyer. They also want to know about the after-sales services you provide. Information about warranties, servicing, maintenance, roadside assistance, and customer service options should be clearly mentioned on your website.

Advancements in Automotive Marketing: Taking the Car Buying Process to the Next Level

Personalizing the Customer Journey

Integrating Technology in Automotive Marketing

1. Personalizing the Customer Journey

Personalization has emerged as the golden ticket to customer satisfaction in an era of customization. From recommending vehicles based on customer preferences to sending tailored service reminders, personalization can exponentially enhance the car buying experience.

With modern CRM systems, you can capture customer data and use it to create personalized content and experiences. But remember, while data is king, trust is the kingdom. Be transparent about using customer data and ensure you comply with all relevant data privacy regulations.

dealers talking about CRM

2. Integrating Technology in Automotive Marketing

The rise of the digital era has brought many technological tools that can add horsepower to your marketing efforts. Chatbots, for instance, can respond immediately to customer queries, extending your customer service hours to 24/7.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) tools are no longer just for video games; they are becoming increasingly prevalent in the car buying process. From virtual showrooms where customers can “walk” around and inspect vehicles to virtual test drives, AR and VR can make remote car buying a more immersive and enjoyable experience.

Mobile apps also offer a variety of opportunities, from booking test drives to providing personalized updates and notifications. Essentially, they can make your dealership accessible to customers anytime, anywhere.

These tools make the buying process more convenient and engaging for customers and allow dealerships to provide better service, foster customer loyalty, and, ultimately, sell more cars.

Remember, the world of automotive marketing is an ever-evolving highway. Stay up-to-date with the latest tools and trends to ensure your dealership isn’t left in the dust.

Our Final Thoughts

The digital realm is expanding rapidly, providing opportunities and challenges. By addressing these fundamental questions, you can ensure your car dealership’s website is a well-oiled machine that provides a smooth, efficient journey for your customers, from their initial online exploration to their joyful ride home in their new vehicle.

As we move forward, personalization and technological integration are set to redefine the automotive marketing landscape, delivering experiences that are as unique as the customers themselves. Dealerships ready to embrace these advancements will find themselves in the driver’s seat, steering toward a future of increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Automotive Manufacturer Co-op Marketing Reimbursements

An Essential Guide for Dealerships

In the competitive world of automotive sales, it is crucial for dealerships to have a robust marketing strategy. However, the cost of marketing can be a major challenge, particularly for small or independent dealerships. This is where automotive manufacturer co-op marketing reimbursements come into play.

What are Automotive Manufacturer Co-op Marketing Reimbursements?

Automotive manufacturers often offer co-op marketing programs to help their dealerships promote their brands and products. Co-op marketing is a partnership between the manufacturer and the dealership, where the manufacturer reimburses the dealership for a portion of the cost of approved marketing activities.

The purpose of co-op marketing is to increase brand awareness and drive sales, benefiting both the manufacturer and the dealership. The reimbursement can be used for various marketing initiatives, including advertising, direct mail, website development, and more.

How do Co-op Marketing Reimbursements Work?

Each automotive manufacturer has its own co-op marketing program guidelines and requirements. Dealerships must follow these guidelines to ensure that their marketing activities are eligible for reimbursement.

Typically, the manufacturer will provide a co-op marketing manual outlining the program rules, reimbursement rates, and eligible marketing activities. Dealerships must submit their marketing plans and activities to the manufacturer for approval before starting the campaign.

Once the manufacturer approves the campaign, the dealership can begin the marketing activities and incur the associated costs. The dealership will then submit a reimbursement request, along with receipts and other required documentation, to the manufacturer. The manufacturer will review the request and provide reimbursement for the approved amount.

Benefits of Co-op Marketing Reimbursements for Dealerships

Co-op marketing reimbursements can provide several benefits for dealerships, including:

Reduced Marketing Costs

Co-op marketing reimbursements can help dealerships reduce their marketing costs and promote their brand and products more effectively.

Increased Brand Awareness

Co-op marketing activities can increase brand awareness and drive sales for both the manufacturer and the dealership.

Access to Professional Marketing Support

Co-op marketing programs often provide access to professional marketing support and resources, which can be beneficial for small or independent dealerships.

Improved ROI

Co-op marketing activities can improve the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns, as the manufacturer reimburses a portion of the marketing costs.


In conclusion, automotive manufacturer co-op marketing reimbursements are an essential tool for dealerships to promote their brand and products effectively. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines and requirements, dealerships can reduce their marketing costs, increase brand awareness, and improve their ROI. Contact your manufacturer’s marketing department to learn more about their co-op marketing program and how it can benefit your dealership.

Automotive Digital Marketing for Car Dealerships

A Comprehensive Guide

Want or Need Digital Marketing? We can help! Click here for more information.

In today’s digital age, the automotive industry is no longer immune to the impact of the internet and digital technologies. More and more car buyers are using the internet to research, compare, and purchase cars, making it essential for car dealerships to adopt effective digital marketing strategies to reach and engage their target audience.

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of automotive digital marketing for car dealerships and provide a comprehensive guide to help dealerships build and execute effective digital marketing campaigns.

What is Automotive Digital Marketing for Car Dealerships?

Automotive digital marketing for car dealerships refers to the use of digital channels and technologies to promote and sell cars, parts, and services to potential customers. It encompasses a wide range of digital marketing tactics, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, display advertising, video marketing, and more.

Why is Automotive Digital Marketing Important for Car Dealerships?

The answer is simple: because the majority of car buyers today use digital channels to research and purchase cars. According to a study by Cox Automotive, 61% of car buyers start their research online, and 71% of car buyers use their smartphones to research cars.

Automotive Digital Marketing Allows Car Dealerships To

Reach a wider audience

With digital marketing, car dealerships can reach potential customers who are beyond their local area or outside their traditional marketing channels.

Target the right audience

Digital marketing allows car dealerships to target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations, ensuring that their marketing efforts are reaching the right people.

Build brand awareness

Digital marketing allows car dealerships to create and share relevant, engaging, and informative content that can help build their brand reputation and establish themselves as a thought leader in the industry.

Generate leads and sales

Digital marketing allows car dealerships to generate leads and sales by providing potential customers with the information they need to make informed purchase decisions and by offering them incentives and promotions to drive conversions.

How to Build an Effective Automotive Digital Marketing Strategy for Car Dealerships?

Building an effective automotive digital marketing strategy for car dealerships requires careful planning, execution, and monitoring. Here are the steps to follow:

Define your goals

Start by defining your marketing goals, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, boosting sales, or building brand awareness.

Identify your target audience

Identify your ideal customer profiles based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations.

Choose your digital marketing channels:

Choose the digital marketing channels that are most relevant to your target audience, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or email.

Develop your content strategy

Develop a content strategy that aligns with your marketing goals and your target audience’s interests and needs. This could include blog posts, videos, social media posts, email newsletters, and more.

Optimize your website for SEO 

Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords, creating informative and engaging content, and improving your website’s speed, mobile-friendliness, and user experience.

Create and launch your campaigns

Create and launch your digital marketing campaigns, including search ads, display ads, social media ads, email campaigns, and more.

Monitor and measure your results

Monitor and measure your campaign’s performance by tracking key metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and ROI. Use the insights gained to optimize your campaigns and improve your results.

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Automotive digital marketing for car dealerships is essential to reach and engage today’s digitally savvy car buyers. By following the steps outlined in this guide, car dealerships can build and execute effective digital marketing campaigns that drive traffic, generate leads, and boost sales. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

Want or Need Digital Marketing? We can help! Click here for more information.

Automotive Direct Mail Marketing for Car Dealerships

Why it Works

Want or Need Direct Mail? We can help! Click here for more information.

Highly Effective Tool For Driving Traffic To Your Dealership And Increasing Sales

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to think that traditional marketing tactics like direct mail are outdated and ineffective. However, when it comes to automotive marketing for car dealerships, direct mail is still a highly effective tool for driving traffic to your dealership and increasing sales.

In fact, studies have shown that direct mail has a higher response rate than email marketing or social media advertising.

It is time to apply what we understand about the process of creating content for consumers to the process of selling to businesses.

So, How Can Car Dealerships Effectively Use Direct Mail As Part Of Their Automotive Marketing Strategy? Here Are A Few Tips:

Targeted Mailing Lists

With digital marketing, car dealerships can reach potential customers who are beyond their local area or outside their traditional marketing channels.

Eye-catching Design

Digital marketing allows car dealerships to target specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and locations, ensuring that their marketing efforts are reaching the right people.


Digital marketing allows car dealerships to create and share relevant, engaging, and informative content that can help build their brand reputation and establish themselves as a thought leader in the industry.

Strong Call-to-Action

Digital marketing allows car dealerships to generate leads and sales by providing potential customers with the information they need to make informed purchase decisions and by offering them incentives and promotions to drive conversions.


After sending your direct mail piece, be sure to follow up with recipients to keep them engaged and encourage them to take action. This could include a phone call or email follow-up, or even a second direct mail piece to remind them of your offer.

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In conclusion, while digital marketing may dominate the conversation, direct mail is still an effective tool for automotive marketing for car dealerships. By using targeted mailing lists, eye-catching design, personalization, strong call-to-action, and follow-up, car dealerships can drive traffic to their dealership and increase sales through direct mail marketing. Contact us today to learn more about how automotive direct mail can work for your dealership.

Want or Need Direct Mail? We can help! Click here for more information.

Performance Max In-Market Display Campaigns

If you’re running a business and want to get your products or services in front of potential customers, digital advertising is a powerful tool. With the help of platforms like Google Ads, you can target people who are actively looking for what you offer and show them ads that persuade them to take action.

One effective way to do this is with a Performance Max In-Market display campaign. This type of campaign combines two powerful targeting strategies to reach the right people at the right time: In-Market targeting and Performance Max.

In-Market targeting is a feature in Google Ads that lets you reach people who are actively researching or considering buying products or services in specific markets or industries. For example, if you sell running shoes, you can target people who have recently searched for running shoes or related products online. This allows you to show your ads to people who are more likely to be interested in what you offer and are more likely to convert.

Performance Max, on the other hand, is a new Google Ads campaign type that combines multiple advertising products to deliver ads across multiple channels and devices. It uses machine learning to optimize your ad delivery based on user behavior, demographics, and other targeting criteria, so your ads are shown to the right people at the right time.

By combining these two targeting strategies, you can create a powerful advertising campaign that reaches potential customers across multiple channels and devices, and maximizes your chances of conversion. Here are some of the benefits of a Performance Max In-Market display campaign:

Reach the right audience:

In-Market targeting lets you reach people who are already interested in your products or services, while Performance Max helps you show your ads to people who are most likely to convert.

Deliver your ads across multiple channels:

Performance Max allows you to deliver your ads across multiple channels, including Google Search, Google Display Network, YouTube, and more. This increases your chances of getting in front of potential customers and makes your campaign more effective.

Optimize your campaign for performance:

Performance Max uses machine learning to optimize your ad delivery, so your ads are shown to people who are more likely to convert. This helps you get the most out of your advertising budget and achieve better results.

Overall, a Performance Max In-Market display campaign is a powerful way to reach potential customers and drive conversions. By combining In-Market targeting with Performance Max, you can create an effective advertising campaign that maximizes your chances of success. If you’re interested in running a Performance Max In-Market display campaign, consider working with a digital marketing agency that specializes in Google Ads to get the best results.

FTC’s Safeguard Rules | Automotive Dealership Compliance

Stay safe out there! In today’s digital age, cyberattacks and data breaches pose significant threats to businesses, and automotive dealerships are no exception. These establishments collect and store sensitive information like social security numbers, credit scores, and driver’s license numbers. Consequently, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has introduced the Safeguards Rule to mandate that dealerships implement robust security measures to safeguard customer data against cyber threats.

The Safeguards Rule Applicable To Car Dealerships

The Safeguards Rule applies to car dealerships with information of at least 5,000 individuals, whether in physical or digital form, on a salesperson’s cell phone, or a combination. Its primary objective is to ensure that dealerships have strong security safeguards in place to protect customer data from cyberattacks and other threats. Failure to comply with the rule may attract penalties of up to $46,000 per day, underscoring the importance of adherence for dealerships to safeguard their business and customers.

Complying With The Safeguards Rule

To comply with the Safeguards Rule, car dealerships must establish, implement, and maintain a written Information Security Program tailored to their size, complexity, and the nature of information they collect. Safeguards may include designating an employee or employees to coordinate the dealership’s information security program, conducting risk assessments to identify potential internal and external risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of customer information, implementing safeguards to control the identified risks, and regularly monitoring and testing the effectiveness of the safeguards.

Ensuring Compliance With the Safeguards Rule

To ensure compliance with the Safeguards Rule, dealerships must take several critical steps, including designating an employee or employees with the knowledge and authority to implement and maintain the program, conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, implementing appropriate safeguards to control risks identified in the risk assessment, regularly monitoring and testing the effectiveness of the safeguards, and overseeing service providers to ensure that they implement appropriate safeguards to protect customer information.


In conclusion, the Safeguards Rule is an essential regulation that aims to protect customer data from cyberattacks and other threats. Dealerships must create and implement a written Information Security Program that includes adequate safeguards to comply with the rule and protect their business and customers from potential data breaches.

Content Marketing Lessons

When weblog platforms like Blogger were first introduced in the late 1990s, its primary contributors were individuals who published their findings and thoughts as a form of word processing software, which included hyperlinks. The earliest blogs were intended for personal expression and were frequently published to share information with close friends and family. Soon after, commercial blogs appeared and the established blogging structure consisting of content interspersed with hyperlinks, has not changed. When it first appeared online nearly 25 years ago, blogging was one of the earliest forms of digital content generation. Effective content marketing strategies for success. Learn key lessons to boost your brand’s online presence.

There is now a generation of young professionals who have spent their entire lives using a web browser as their go-to resource for finding answers to queries. They did this to solve personal issues and conduct research for academic purposes, based on early content such as blogs, which they themselves discovered. These practices followed them into their work lives as well.

Many professionals now search for solutions to problems that arise in their professional lives as well as their personal lives using this method.

It is time to apply what we understand about the process of creating content for consumers to the process of selling to businesses.

Build Credibility by Producing Unique Content

To successfully generate great content for a potential client, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the challenge faced by the prospect. When conducting research, they will ask questions and if you understand their pain points, you can create content that addresses those concerns. You may develop credibility by demonstrating that you understand the prospect by offering information that was authored by your company, that is helpful and relevant. When a visitor on your website evaluates the credibility of your information, that visitor will then become a potential client for your business.

In a prospect’s mind, establishing your authority in your field through the intake of original content and material establishes that authority. Therefore, you will not only build your trustworthiness by publishing content of the highest quality but also increase the likelihood that the lead will become a paying customer. As you establish your credibility and earn the respect of potential clients, they will become more receptive to the proposed solution. The transition from selling to marketing is facilitated more smoothly as a result, which boosts the likelihood of conversions.

Quieten Down the Currently Available Content

If you are familiar with the challenges faced by your potential customers, you will have an understanding of the priorities they hold. Information from other relevant resources, not only that which was produced by your team, should also be shared. This contributes to establishing your website and any other digital content as a reliable resource of information for the respective industry. Pertinent information may originate from academic institutions, reports on market research, government organizations, the news media, or autonomous authority.

Sharing this chosen information with prospective customers via email, social media, audio interviews, or any other online outlet demonstrates that you know what is relevant to them. When you establish yourself as a reliable resource, prospective clients are more likely to track your emails and digital products, engage, read and connect with them in other ways.

Make Your Content Available Again and Again

There are many different advantages to recycling content that you already have. One of the most compelling explanations, which is also one of the most frequently disregarded, is that how information is conveyed influences how individuals take in and process that information. When you produce your current content in new formats (for example, by transcribing a podcast interview into text that can be searched), you open up additional opportunities for your content to be heard, comprehended and even shared.

Refresh your existing content to get the most out of the money you originally invested in producing the material. You should prepare to put as much work into spreading the word about your content as you did when you were creating it. It is not enough to update content to keep web crawlers satisfied when you put content on repeat.

It could involve including a link to the cornerstone content in emails sent to new leads. It could also include transforming a blog post into an infographic that is easy to understand. Consider new ways that material can be repurposed to boost the number of impressions it makes on the target market.

Make sure that you develop original material, curate valuable content and repurpose current content as you build your B2B content collection. Your library will entice fresh visitors, who can be converted into potential customers.

9 Signs Your Dealership Needs a Fractional CMO

There’s no question that dealerships are increasingly looking for fractional CMOs to help them manage their day-to-day operations and grow their businesses. According to a CA Technologies Institute study, companies with Fractional Chief Marketing Officers perform better than those without.

A fractional CMO provides unique perspectives and strengths to help your dealership achieve its strategic objectives. This position falls into a new category of executive leadership within the marketing organization and requires a different skillset and perspective than traditional full-time CMOs. Below are some signs that your dealership may need a fractional CMO :


You’re Not Generating Enough Revenue via Strategic partnerships or Acquisitions: A fractional CMO can help identify and explore new revenue opportunities outside of the dealership’s normal sphere of operation. If you find yourself struggling to generate new revenue, this might be a sign that it’s time to reassess your business strategy and tap into new markets.


Your dealership is growing slower than you’d like it to. For a dealership to grow, it needs to generate more revenue and expand its reach into new markets. However, if your dealership isn’t expanding quickly enough, this could indicate that there are areas of your business where you could focus more attention in order to accelerate growth. A fractional CMO can help identify areas of growth potential and take appropriate action accordingly.


You’re Not Focused on Customer Retention or Engagement: A fractional CMO can help focus your marketing efforts on key customer segments and ensure that your messages reach the people who need them most. This will ultimately lead to higher customer retention rates and increased engagement with your brand.


Your PR Efforts Aren’t Bearing Fruit: When it comes to attracting attention from the media and driving positive word of mouth, a fractional CMO can provide essential support. If your PR efforts aren’t resulting in the desired results, it might be time to reassess your strategy and focus on more effective channels.


Your dealership doesn’t see value in New Technologies or Business Models: A fractional CMO can help identify which new technologies or business models resonate with your customers and help you capitalize on this trend. If you’re not seeing a high adoption rate for new products or services, this could be a sign that you need to rethink your marketing strategy or reconsider your business model.


There Is Limited Oversight or Management of Resources Within Departments or Areas of Strategy

  • This could mean that departments within your business are operating without any oversight or management from above; this can lead to chaos and confusion. Fractional CMOs help to establish clear priorities and track progress against those objectives. This allows leaders to make better decisions and allocate resources where they most need them.

There Is Limited Oversight or Management of Resources Within Departments or Areas of Strategy

If activities are initiated without a strategic plan, no one will know how to get them done or where they should go next. With a strategy, your company can stay caught up with opportunities. Fractional CMOs can help create a roadmap and assess progress along the way. This ensures your company is taking the right steps forward and benefiting from the current plan.


The dealership’s Business Model is Evolving or Uncertain

If the dealership’s business model is constantly evolving or it’s unclear what the dealership plans to do next, a new CMO might be necessary to help guide the dealership in the right direction. If there are doubts about whether the current strategy will succeed, it might be time to make a change.


There Are No Standard Processes or Practices Across Multiple Business Areas. A lack of standard processes can lead to inconsistency and chaos across different parts of an organization. This disrupts the workflow and ultimately inhibits efficiency. Fractional CMOs work with teams to create standardized processes that help everyone in the company operate more effectively and efficiently.


Many dealerships are struggling to find their place in the modern market. If your dealership is one of them, consider hiring a fractional CMO. Fractional CMOs are experts at turning companies around and helping them achieve profitability and growth. They understand how businesses work and can help you navigate through tricky waters.

If you’re ready for a change, hire a fractional CMO from T3 Marketing. We have the experience to help you achieve your marketing goals and exceed your expectations. Our experienced professionals have worked in some of the most demanding CMO roles in the business world. We know how to get results and work tirelessly to ensure that you do too. Contact us today to learn more about our services.