T3’s Guide to OTT Advertising: What, Why, & How?

In the rapidly evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. One of the most significant shifts in recent years is the rise of Over-The-Top (OTT) advertising. As traditional TV viewership declines and streaming services gain popularity, OTT advertising offers a unique opportunity, especially for car dealerships, to reach potential customers more effectively.

1. What is OTT Advertising?

OTT advertising refers to the delivery of advertisements through streaming services directly over the internet, bypassing traditional cable or satellite TV platforms. This medium allows advertisers to reach viewers who are increasingly opting for streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video over traditional TV.

2. How Does OTT Advertising Work?

OTT platforms collect extensive data on viewer preferences and behaviors. This data enables advertisers to target specific demographics, interests, and viewing habits, ensuring that ads reach the most relevant audience. Unlike traditional TV ads, OTT ads can be personalized, interactive, and more engaging, increasing the potential for viewer engagement.

3. Why Should Car Dealerships Opt for OTT Advertising?

For car dealerships, OTT advertising offers a direct route to tech-savvy consumers who are likely researching their next car online. Precision targeting allows dealerships to showcase their latest models and offers to a highly engaged audience, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

4. Different Types of OTT Advertising

OTT advertising can take various forms, such as in-stream video ads, interactive ads, and even sponsored content. Each type offers unique benefits – video ads can showcase cars in action, while interactive ads can invite immediate engagement, like scheduling a test drive.

  1. In-Stream Video Ads: These are the most common form of OTT ads, similar to traditional TV commercials but with the added benefit of targeting. They can be pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll and offer a cinematic way to showcase vehicles, highlighting features in a visually appealing manner.
  2. Interactive Ads: This format takes viewer engagement to the next level. Viewers can interact directly with the ad, such as clicking to schedule a test drive or explore more about a specific car model. For car dealerships, this can significantly shorten the customer journey from interest to action.
  3. Sponsored Content: Car dealerships can sponsor shows or movies that align with their target demographic, subtly integrating their brand into the viewing experience. This can increase brand recall and affinity without the disruptiveness of traditional ads.
  4. Overlay Ads: These are non-intrusive, small overlay ads that appear during content streaming. They’re ideal for promoting special offers or events at the dealership without taking away from the viewer’s experience.
  5. Programmatic OTT Ads: Utilizing real-time bidding, these ads allow car dealerships to purchase ad space on OTT platforms in an automated fashion, ensuring optimal ad placement and timing for maximum impact.

A desktop computer showing a video play icon

5. Difference between OTT and CTV

While OTT refers to the content streamed over the internet, Connected TV (CTV) refers to the actual devices that enable this streaming, like smart TVs and gaming consoles. Understanding this distinction helps car dealerships tailor their advertising strategies for different platforms and devices.

6. Benefits of OTT Advertising for Car Dealerships

OTT advertising offers numerous advantages for car dealerships:

  1. Advanced Targeting: Unlike traditional TV ads, OTT platforms offer granular targeting options based on demographics, interests, viewing habits, and even geographical locations. This means car dealerships can reach potential customers who are more likely to be interested in their offerings.
  2. Increased Engagement: With interactive and immersive ad formats, OTT ads typically see higher engagement rates. This is particularly beneficial for car dealerships as they can engagingly showcase their cars, leading to higher brand recall and interest.
  3. Measurable Impact: OTT platforms provide detailed analytics, from view counts to engagement metrics. Dealerships can track the performance of their ads in real time, allowing for swift adjustments to maximize effectiveness.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: With the ability to target specific audiences and track performance, OTT advertising often yields a better return on investment compared to traditional advertising methods. This is crucial for dealerships looking to optimize their marketing budgets.
  5. Reach Cord-Cutters: OTT advertising is the key to reaching the growing segment of consumers who have moved away from traditional cable TV. These are often tech-savvy individuals, a prime audience for the latest car models and tech features.
  6. Flexibility and Creativity: OTT platforms allow for creative freedom, enabling car dealerships to craft unique, compelling narratives about their brand and products, which can be adjusted and optimized throughout the campaign.

7. Why Hire T3’s Marketing OTT Advertising Services?

T3 stands at the forefront of OTT advertising, offering unparalleled expertise and customized solutions for car dealerships. Our services range from ad creation to data-driven targeting and comprehensive campaign analysis. Partnering with T3 means tapping into a wealth of experience and a track record of successful OTT campaigns.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, OTT advertising presents a dynamic and effective way for car dealerships to connect with potential customers. With T3 Marketing’s targeted approach and measurable results, OTT advertising is an indispensable tool in the modern advertiser’s arsenal.

Paid Search vs SEO: What Works Better for Car Dealerships?

What is SEO? 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enhances a website to improve its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in Google, Bing, and other search engines. For car dealerships, SEO involves optimizing their online presence to rank higher in search results for terms related to vehicle sales, services, and local dealership information.

Pros of SEO 

  • Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Once you rank high in search results, there’s no direct cost for each visit to your site.
  • Builds Trust and Credibility: Websites that rank high in search results are often perceived as more trustworthy and credible.
  • Sustainable Traffic: SEO provides a steady flow of organic traffic over time.
  • Local Reach: Local SEO strategies can effectively target potential customers in your area.

Cons of SEO 

  • Time-Consuming: It takes time to see the results of SEO efforts.
  • Constantly Evolving: SEO strategies must adapt to frequent changes in search engine algorithms.
  • No Guaranteed Results: Despite best efforts, high rankings on search engines can’t be guaranteed.

Automotive marketing and the role of SEO in it

What is Paid Search? 

Paid Search, or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, involves paying a fee each time someone clicks on one of your ads. These ads appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) and can provide immediate visibility and traffic.

Pros of Paid Search 

  • Immediate Results: Paid search can drive traffic to your site as soon as your campaign starts.
  • Highly Targeted: You can target your ads based on location, language, device, and search behavior.
  • Budget Control: You have full control over your advertising budget and can adjust spending in real time.

Cons of Paid Search 

  • Costly Over Time: Each click incurs a cost, which can add up, especially for competitive keywords.
  • Short-Lived: Your presence in paid search results disappears once you stop paying.
  • Clicks ≠ Sales: Not every click results in a sale, so ROI can vary.

Comparing Cost-Effectiveness: Paid Search vs SEO

While SEO requires an upfront investment in time and resources, it can be more cost-effective in the long run. Paid search, on the other hand, offers immediate results but can be more expensive over time, especially in competitive markets like car sales.

Targeting Specific Audiences: Paid Search Approach

Paid search excels in its ability to target specific demographics and interests. Car dealerships can use this to focus on potential buyers based on their online behaviors, location, and even the type of vehicle they’re interested in.

Organic Reach, Credibility, & Long-Term Success: SEO’s Influence for Car Dealerships

SEO is crucial for building a long-term online presence and credibility. A well-optimized website attracts more organic traffic, often translating into higher-quality leads. This organic reach is essential for car dealerships to establish themselves as authoritative and trustworthy in their market.

Choosing the Right Mix: Finding the Balance Between Paid Search and SEO

For car dealerships, the ideal online marketing strategy often involves a mix of SEO and paid search. SEO lays the foundation for long-term success, while paid search can quickly boost traffic and sales. By balancing these two approaches, dealerships can increase online visibility, attract customers, and grow their business.


How Have Google’s Latest Core Updates Impaced Local Search For Car Dealerships?

Right at the end of 2023, Google introduced its latest core updates, which have brought about significant changes in the SEO landscape. For car dealerships, these updates have specific implications for local search strategies. Understanding these changes is crucial for maintaining and improving online visibility.

1. Increased Focus on Localized Content:

Google’s updates have emphasized the importance of localized content for businesses, including car dealerships. This means dealerships must ensure their website content is tailored to the local audience, including references to local landmarks, events, and community information. Localized content enhances relevance in search results for users in specific geographic areas.

2. Enhanced Emphasis on User Experience (UX):

With the latest updates, Google has emphasized the user experience more. Car dealerships should focus on website speed, mobile responsiveness, and intuitive navigation to improve their search rankings. A user-friendly website encourages longer visits and higher engagement, which Google sees as quality indicators.

3. Importance of Google My Business Listings:

Google’s updates have made Google My Business (GMB) listings more important for local search. Car dealerships should ensure their GMB profiles are up-to-date with accurate information, including addresses, contact details, business hours, and customer reviews. Regularly updated GMB listings can significantly impact local search visibility.

An image depicting how local search for car dealerships is so important

4. Reviews and Reputation Management:

The recent updates have highlighted the role of online reviews in local search rankings. Car dealerships should actively manage their online reputation by encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and responding to all reviews promptly and professionally.

5. Changes in Keyword Strategy:

Keywords continue to play a vital role in SEO. However, Google’s updates favor natural language processing, meaning car dealerships should focus on using conversational keywords and long-tail phrases that potential customers might use in their search queries.

6. Increased Competition in Local Search:

The updates have intensified competition in local search. Car dealerships need to refine their SEO strategies to stand out. This includes leveraging local SEO tactics like link building, local citations, and participating in local community events for better visibility.

Final Thoughts

Google’s latest core updates present both challenges and opportunities for car dealerships. By focusing on localized content, enhancing user experience, optimizing GMB listings, managing online reputation, adapting keyword strategies, and engaging in local SEO activities, car dealerships can effectively tackle these changes and improve their local search presence.

At T3 Marketing, we stay current with the latest core updates and ensure a solid foundation for your dealership website’s SEO, so no matter what updates may be introduced, we’re always focused on providing value to the buyer. 


The Color Code of Car Ads: Mastering the Psychology of Hues in Automotive Advertising

The palette of colors used in automotive advertising is more than just a creative choice; it’s a crucial marketing tool that significantly influences consumer behavior and decision-making. This comprehensive exploration into the psychology of color in car advertisements uncovers how specific hues can shape consumer perceptions, evoke emotions, and drive purchase decisions. Mastering this color code is essential for marketers seeking to optimize sales and create impactful automotive advertising.

The Science of Color Psychology in Automotive Advertising

Colors are not just visual elements; they are psychological triggers. Each color carries its own set of associations and emotional responses. For instance, red, often used in sports car advertising, represents excitement and speed, while blue, commonly seen in family car ads, conveys trust and stability. Understanding these psychological nuances enables advertisers to create more effective and targeted campaigns.

Historical Perspectives on Color in Car Advertising

  • Chevrolet’s Use of Red in the 1950s: Chevrolet’s advertising campaigns in the 1950s often featured bright red cars, tapping into post-war optimism and the American love for speed and adventure.
  • BMW’s Silver in the 1980s: BMW’s ads frequently showcased their cars in silver, which denoted futuristic appeal and cutting-edge technology, aligning with the brand’s innovative image.

Color Trends and Cultural Influences

Colors in advertising also reflect cultural trends and societal shifts. For example, the rise of eco-consciousness has seen an increase in the use of green in advertising hybrid and electric vehicles. Similarly, the trend towards minimalism and sophistication in the 21st century has brought about a preference for monochromatic color schemes in luxury car advertisements.

The Role of Color in Brand Identity and Positioning

Colors are integral to brand identity and positioning. A brand’s consistent use of a particular color palette can strengthen brand recognition and association. For example, Ferrari’s iconic use of red has become synonymous with the brand, reinforcing its identity as a purveyor of high-speed luxury sports cars.

Effective Use of Color in Digital and Traditional Advertising

The application of color psychology extends beyond traditional media to digital platforms. Here, interactive elements and lighting can be used to enhance the advertised vehicles’ visual appeal and emotional impact.

Innovative Use of Color in Recent Campaigns

  • Tesla’s Use of White for Clean Energy Messaging: Tesla’s frequent use of white in its advertising emphasizes its electric vehicles’ clean, environmentally friendly nature.
  • Audi’s Black and Silver Palette for Luxury Appeal: Audi’s use of a black and silver color palette in recent campaigns reinforces its positioning as a luxury brand offering sophisticated and high-tech vehicles.

Future Directions and Emerging Trends in Color Psychology

As consumer preferences evolve, so do color trends in automotive advertising. Anticipating and adapting to these changes is key for future campaigns. For instance, the growing interest in sustainability might increase the use of earth tones to reflect environmental awareness.


Color in automotive advertising is a powerful tool deeply rooted in psychology and cultural trends. Understanding and leveraging the impact of different hues can significantly enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, influencing consumer perceptions and driving sales. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, so will the color strategies used to market these vehicles, making color psychology an ever-relevant field in automotive marketing.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: How Fleeting Content Shakes Up Automotive Digital Marketing – Stories, Reels, and More!

In the digital age, the automotive industry is witnessing a significant shift in marketing dynamics, primarily driven by the advent of ephemeral content. Platforms like Instagram Stories, Snapchat, and Facebook Stories have introduced a new realm of engagement – fleeting yet highly impactful content. This blog explores how ephemeral content reshapes automotive digital marketing, offering a fresh perspective to connect with modern consumers.

The Rise of Ephemeral Content 

Ephemeral content, characterized by its temporary nature, has surged in popularity, especially among younger demographics. Its transitory existence creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, capturing the audience’s attention more effectively than traditional, permanent posts. In the automotive sector, this trend opens new avenues for storytelling, product showcases, and real-time engagement with potential buyers.

Ephemeral Content in Automotive Marketing 

Automotive brands increasingly leverage ephemeral content to showcase their vehicles, offer virtual tours, and provide exclusive sneak peeks of upcoming models. This strategy enhances visibility and creates a unique, immersive experience for the audience. Highlighting special promotions, limited-time offers, and interactive content like polls and quizzes further amplifies engagement and fosters a sense of community among followers.

Engaging Potential Buyers 

Ephemeral content offers a platform for real-time, interactive engagement with potential buyers. It allows automotive brands to connect personally, respond to queries instantly, and gather immediate feedback. This level of interaction builds a stronger, more personal connection with the audience, making them feel valued and heard.

Integrating Ephemeral Content into Marketing Strategies 

Integrating ephemeral content into their overall digital marketing strategy is crucial for automotive brands. This integration should focus on creating a cohesive narrative across all platforms, ensuring brand consistency while leveraging the unique advantages of ephemeral content. Balancing informative content with engaging, interactive elements can significantly enhance the brand’s digital presence and appeal.

Challenges and Opportunities 

While ephemeral content offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges, such as the need for continuous, creative content production and difficulty in measuring direct ROI. However, its opportunities, like increased engagement and brand awareness, are invaluable in today’s competitive market.


Ephemeral content has emerged as a game-changer in automotive digital marketing. By embracing this trend, automotive brands can create more engaging, memorable, and effective marketing campaigns. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying abreast of such trends is crucial for any brand looking to make a lasting impact.


Micro-Moments Matter: How They Shape Auto Shoppers and Marketing Tactics

In today’s digital-first world, micro-moments have become pivotal touchpoints in the consumer journey, especially in the automotive industry. These are the moments when potential buyers turn to their devices with intent – to learn, discover, or purchase something. Understanding and leveraging these moments is increasingly critical in influencing the decisions of auto shoppers.

What are Micro-Moments?

Micro-moments are instant, intent-driven points of online interaction. They occur when people reflexively turn to a device, often a smartphone, to act on a need. In automotive purchasing, these moments range from a quick check on the latest models to in-depth research about vehicle specifications and pricing.

Micro-Moments in the Auto Industry:

For the auto industry, these fleeting interactions are incredibly significant. A shopper might start with a general search for “best family car” and eventually narrow down their options through a series of micro-moments that lead them closer to a purchase decision. With most of this journey happening online, being visible and providing the right information at these moments can set a brand apart.

Marketing Tactics for Micro-Moments:

Effective marketing in these micro-moments requires a mix of strategies. This includes:

  • SEO and Content Marketing: Optimize for search queries related to car buying. Create content that addresses common questions and appears in relevant searches.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website and online content are mobile-friendly, offering a seamless experience.
  • Targeted Advertising: Use data to target potential buyers with relevant ads at the right time in their decision-making process.

The Role of Technology:

Leveraging technology like AI and data analytics can help predict and capitalize on these micro-moments. By understanding consumer behavior patterns, auto marketers can tailor their strategies to meet potential buyers exactly where they are in their journey.


Micro-moments are reshaping the consumer journey in the auto industry. They present an opportunity for brands to influence decisions at critical points. Understanding and optimizing for these moments can lead to more effective marketing strategies and a stronger bottom line.

At T3 Marketing, our fractional CMOs are known for their data-driven approach; whether it is the use of traditional tools like Google Analytics or the use of AI-driven data models to predict user behavior, we spend the time required to understand your buyers’ behavior and tailor our marketing strategies accordingly. 


Cool Social Media Moves: Connecting with Car Fans in More Ways Than the Usual

In an era where digital presence defines business success, automotive social media marketing has become a pivotal tool for engaging car enthusiasts. This blog delves into innovative social media marketing strategies tailored to car dealerships to enhance engagement and drive sales.

The Power of Social Media in the Automotive Industry

Over 70% of car buyers use social media to research before purchasing, making platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter influential in the automotive buying journey. This underscores the need for car dealerships to craft compelling social media strategies that resonate with their audience.

Innovative Strategies for Automotive Social Media Marketing

  • Highlighting Unique Features: Utilize high-quality images and videos to showcase the unique features of vehicles. For instance, a 360-degree video highlighting the interior and exterior of a new model can captivate potential buyers.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share the journey of a vehicle from manufacturing to showroom. This could include interviews with designers, insights into safety tests, or sneak peeks of upcoming models.
  • Interactive Posts: Create polls, quizzes, and contests related to automotive trivia, new model features, or customer preferences. This not only engages users but also provides valuable insights into customer interests.

Social media marketing for car dealerships

Utilizing Different Platforms for Car Dealerships

  • Facebook: Create dedicated groups for car enthusiasts, host live Q&A sessions, and share customer testimonials. Utilize Facebook Ads to target specific demographics.
  • Instagram: Leverage Instagram Stories and Reels for short, engaging content like day-in-the-life at a dealership or customer experiences. Use high-quality imagery and hashtags to increase visibility.
  • LinkedIn and Twitter: Share industry news, insights, and thought leadership articles to establish authority. Twitter can be particularly effective for real-time updates and customer service.

Engaging with Car Enthusiasts

  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with automotive influencers for reviews or takeovers. This can significantly extend the reach to potential customers.
  • User-Generated Content: Use a specific hashtag to encourage customers to share their experiences and photos with their cars. This not only builds community but also acts as authentic testimonials.
  • Community Building: Regularly engage with followers through comments, messages, and community posts. Create exclusive groups or forums for car owners to discuss and share tips.

Leveraging User Data for Personalized Marketing

Analytics plays a crucial role in understanding audience behavior: tailor content, advertisements, and direct messages based on user interaction patterns and preferences. Personalized marketing can significantly enhance customer experience and loyalty.

Challenges and Solutions in Automotive Social Media Marketing

Address common challenges like sustaining engagement over time, managing negative feedback, and staying abreast of social media trends. Provide solutions such as maintaining a consistent posting schedule, having a crisis management plan, and regularly updating social media strategies.


Embracing innovative social media strategies is crucial for car dealerships in today’s digital landscape. By connecting with car enthusiasts through engaging content, personalized experiences, and interactive platforms, dealerships can drive more sales and build a robust online community.


Looking Past the Click: Checking Out the Stats That Really Matter in Automotive Digital Marketing

Clicking is just the tip of the iceberg in the fast-evolving realm of automotive digital marketing. While generating traffic is essential, the real value lies in understanding and leveraging deeper metrics that truly impact business outcomes. This article explores the key statistics and metrics automotive marketers should focus on to drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

Understanding the Customer Journey

The customer journey in automotive purchases is intricate, often starting with online research and culminating in a showroom visit. Tracking this journey requires a keen understanding of various touchpoints. Engagement metrics like page views, time spent on site, and interaction rates with vehicle configurators offer insights into customer interest and intent.

Conversion Rates: Beyond Basic Clicks

Conversion rates are the cornerstone of effective digital marketing. In the automotive context, this doesn’t just mean sales but also actions like scheduling test drives, requesting quotes, or subscribing to newsletters. Optimizing websites and landing pages for higher conversion rates is critical for turning interest into tangible actions.

Quality Leads Over Quantity

Generating a high volume of leads is less significant than the quality of those leads. Automotive marketers should focus on metrics that indicate lead quality, such as the depth of interaction with online content, lead source analysis, and behavioral patterns indicative of purchase readiness.

Customer Engagement and Retention Metrics

Engagement metrics like email open rates, click-through rates on digital campaigns, and social media interactions provide valuable insights into customer interests and preferences. Additionally, customer retention metrics, including repeat visit rates and loyalty program engagement, are vital for long-term business growth.

Automotive digital marketing stats that really matter

Utilizing Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics tools can dissect big data from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of customer behavior and market trends. Predictive analytics can forecast customer needs, while sentiment analysis on social media and review platforms can offer real-time insights into brand perception.

ROI Measurement: The Ultimate Barometer

Return on Investment (ROI) is the ultimate measure of digital marketing effectiveness. Calculating ROI involves assessing the cost of digital marketing initiatives against the revenue generated from these activities. This metric helps in fine-tuning marketing strategies for better results.


At T3 Marketing, our CMOs go beyond the obvious and keep our clients informed. Focusing on more profound, meaningful statistics gives us a holistic view of our digital efforts, leading to more effective strategies and improved sales outcomes. 

Navigating the Digital Road: How Mobile Apps Are Revolutionizing the Car Buying Experience

In an age where smartphones are as ubiquitous as the vehicles on our roads, the car buying process has undergone a significant transformation. The advent of mobile apps has reshaped how consumers research, select, and purchase vehicles, offering a new avenue for dealerships to engage with potential buyers. This blog post explores the pivotal role of mobile apps in the car-buying journey and how car dealerships can harness this trend to their advantage.

The Rise of Mobile in Auto Shopping:

Gone are the days when the first step of buying a car was visiting the dealership. Today, the journey begins in the palm of the buyer’s hand. Studies show that most potential car buyers use their smartphones to research before purchasing. This shift towards mobile research means that dealerships must adapt their strategies to meet customers where they are – on their phones.

Key Features of Effective Auto Shopping Apps:

  • 360-Degree Vehicle Previews: High-quality images and virtual tours allow customers to explore vehicles in detail, increasing their engagement and interest.
  • Price Comparison Tools: Apps that offer pricing transparency build trust and empower customers to make informed decisions.
  • Customization Options: Features that allow users to customize and visualize different car models cater to the desire for a personalized buying experience.
  • Financing Calculators and Tools: Integrating financing options and calculators within the app streamlines the decision-making process for the buyer.
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Access to reviews and ratings within the app helps build confidence in the vehicle and the dealership.

Enhancing Customer Experience through Apps:

Dealerships can leverage mobile apps to enhance the customer experience in several ways. Firstly, offering personalized recommendations based on the user’s browsing history and preferences can significantly increase engagement. Secondly, integrating chatbots and AI-driven assistants for 24/7 support can answer queries and guide customers through the buying process, creating a seamless experience.

Driving Sales Through Targeted Marketing:

Mobile apps provide a treasure trove of data on customer behavior and preferences. Dealerships can utilize this data for targeted marketing campaigns, pushing relevant vehicle suggestions and promotions to potential buyers. This personalized marketing approach can significantly improve conversion rates.

Building Long-term Relationships:

The role of mobile apps extends beyond the initial purchase. By offering features like service appointment scheduling, maintenance tips, and loyalty programs, dealerships can maintain ongoing customer engagement, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

The Future is Mobile:

As technology evolves, the role of mobile apps in car buying will only grow. Innovations like AR to visualize cars in real-world settings or integrating with smart home devices for remote car management are on the horizon. Dealerships that invest in robust mobile app strategies today are positioning themselves for success in the digital future of car sales.


The impact of mobile apps on the car buying process is undeniable. By offering convenience, transparency, and a personalized experience, these digital tools are reshaping how people buy cars and how dealerships connect with and serve their customers. In the fast-paced world of auto sales, embracing the mobile revolution is no longer an option but a necessity for dealerships aiming to thrive in the digital era.

T3 Marketing’s experienced CMOs have been working with car dealerships to create mobile-first marketing strategies to convert buyers. You can always schedule a consultation to know how we do this. 

Google’s November 2023 Core Update and Its Impact on Car Dealerships

Google’s algorithm updates are pivotal events that can significantly reshape online visibility strategies for brands online, and the same stands true for car dealerships. The November 2023 core update, announced on November 2nd, is no exception. 

Understanding and adapting to these changes is crucial for car dealerships, which increasingly rely on digital platforms to attract and engage customers. This blog aims to delve deeper into the nuances of this update and its potential impacts on car dealerships’ digital strategies.

Decoding the Update:

Google’s core updates are notoriously enigmatic, with specific details of the changes often not disclosed. However, what’s clear is that these updates aim to enhance the user’s search experience by prioritizing high-quality, relevant content. For car dealerships, a shift may be required in how they approach their online presence.

Detailed Impact on Car Dealerships:

Search Rankings and Visibility: Fluctuations in search rankings can dramatically affect online traffic. Dealerships may need to optimize their websites to align better with the updated algorithm.

Content Depth and Authority: The update places a premium on authoritative content. For dealerships, this means creating in-depth content that covers topics like detailed car reviews, the latest automotive technologies, and insights into car maintenance.

Enhanced Focus on Local SEO: Local SEO becomes even more critical. Dealerships should ensure their Google My Business listings are updated and optimized for local keywords and incorporate local community events and news into their content strategy.

User Experience (UX) and Website Performance: A seamless, fast, and mobile-friendly website is more important than ever. This includes optimizing for mobile users, improving page loading times, and ensuring an intuitive website structure.

Advanced Strategies for Adapting:

Invest in Quality Video Content: Creating engaging video content, such as virtual tours of new models or features, can significantly enhance user engagement and dwell time on the site.

Leverage Data Analytics: Utilize data analytics tools to understand customer behavior on the website and adjust strategies accordingly.

Build a Robust Online Community: Engage with customers through forums, Q&A sessions, and interactive posts. This not only improves engagement but also builds trust and authority.

Implement Advanced SEO Techniques: Consider adopting schema markup to help search engines better understand and display dealership content and optimize for voice search queries.

Focus on Omnichannel Marketing: Integrate digital marketing efforts across various channels like email, social media, and PPC campaigns to create a cohesive brand experience.


The November 2023 Google core update calls for car dealerships to re-evaluate and enhance their digital marketing strategies. By focusing on creating authoritative content, optimizing for local search, improving user experience, and employing advanced SEO and marketing techniques, dealerships can not only navigate the challenges posed by this update but also capitalize on new opportunities to connect with their audience. In the fast-paced digital arena, staying informed, adaptable, and customer-focused is key to driving success in the online marketplace.

At T3 Marketing, we ensure that all content we create for our clients is meaningful and provides value to their target audience. This ensures that we stay compliant with Google’s core demand to create content that drives decisions and education.